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2017, The Afghan Girl | Fiction 10 min, funded by the Danish Film Institute Århus. Official Selection Sarasota Film Festival, 2018, U.S.A.
2015, United, we save | Fiction 28 min, with funding from Vestdanske Filmpulje, Århus Danish Film Institute, and Filmbyen Århus
2014, The Great Triumphs | experimental 10 min, with funding from Århus Danish Film Institute and Talentfabrikken, Filmbyen Århus.
2015, I am love | Large-format photography exhibition. Exhibited at Godsbanen Århus.
February 2015
2014, I am love | Large-format photography exhibition. Exhibited at Mejlgade Århus.
February 2014
2014, Tore | fiction, 19 min, with funding from Århus Filmværksted, Filmbyen Århus, and Hedensted Municipality.
Official selection Aarhundredetsfestival Århus in 2014. Exhibited at ARoS Art Museum in 2014.
Official Selection Drama Film Festival, Greece in 2015
2013, Boy | fiction 9:30 min, with support from European Film College, Talentfabrikken and ARoS Art Museum.
2012, Fælden – The Trap | Documentary 9 min, European Film College
In progress: Screen-writing seminar | The Cinema Section of the National and Capodistrian University of Athens, 22 weeks
In progress: Screen-writing seminar | The Literary Society of the University of Piraeus, Athens, 6 weeks
April 2019 : Screen-writing seminar | The Cinema Society of the University of Patras
April 2019 : Screen-writing seminar | The Municipality of Zografou, Athens
2019, Screen-writing workshop, 8 weeks | Balkan can Kino Cinema Society in Athens
2018, Screen-writing seminar | The Cinema Section of the National and Capodistrian University of Athens, 22 weeks
2018, 3rd-time receiver of the scholarship ”Den Store Isbjørn” from Nordisk Film Denmark in connection with developing myself as a screen-writer
2017, Screen-writing seminar, The Cinema Section of the National and Capodistrian University of Athens, 20 weeks
2017, 2nd-time receiver of the scholarship ”Den Store Isbjørn” from Nordisk Film Denmark, in connection to teaching screen-writing at The Cinema Section of the National and Capodistrian University of Athens
2015, Receiver of the scholarship ”Den Store Isbjørn” from Nordisk Film Denmark in connection with studying at H.C.T. S. Stavrakos, Athens
2015-16, Started studying film directing at Hellenic Cinema and Television School, Athens
2013-14, Talentfabrikken, Filmbyen Århus – Århus Film City
1-year talent development program with education, workshops and mentoring
2014, AVID editing course, Århus office of the Danish Film Institute.
2014, Writer’s workshop, Danish Film Institute. Wrote the first feature script for a children’s Viking – adventure film, under the supervision of writer Mikkel Bak Sørensen.
2013, Development workshop, Danish Film Institute. Developed the first feature story under the supervision of award-winning writer Martin Strange-Hansen.
2012-13, European Film College, Denmark – 1-year studies in directing and writing a film.
2007-10, Åarhus University, Denmark, Ba. Communication and Semiotics.
Iben Ravn
+30 6945765723
Commpeles 14, Koukaki, 11721 Athens, Greece
Østbanetorvet 9, 4th Århus 8000, Denmark
t.: +45 61665559
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