Akis is Panos’s son and a secondary school pupil. Apart from going to school and his great love for his parents and friends, Akis plays basketball, rides his bike and likes to draw. He loves travelling, music, storybooks and dreaming of a world without any suffering. Together with Panos, he wrote Roulis, the dwarf donkey from Hydra (Papadopoulos Publications, 2016) and The journey of Toula, the potato from Hydra (an adventurous journey in the human body, pending publication).
Panos is the (very) proud father of Akis. He is a chemical engineer with PhD in biotechnology and works in management for multinational companies in the health sector. Apart from loving his family, he is a day-dreamer, a visionary and the author of the books titled: Η Αρχαία Ελλάδα και οΣύγχρονος Manager / Ancient Greece and the Modern Manager (Kalendis, 2009), Εν ΔελφοίςΣοφία: Τα παραγγέλματα των επτά σοφών / Wisdom Made in Delphi: The commandments of the seven sages (Topos Books, 2011) and Ελληνική Σοφία: η γη και οι άνθρωποι / Greek Wisdom: the land and the people (Topos Books, 2012).
Akis and Panos love Hydra. They have a very strong bond with this noble and historic island and have built a little house on it with the invaluable help of the hardworking, giving and adorable little donkeys of Hydra. They try to visit this blessed Greek island that is so full of beauty and magic as often as they can. Hydra generously offers them beauty, peace and quiet in such great abundance. The grandeur and picturesqueness of this unique and dreamlike island always inspires them to create.
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