Monday 29 - Wednesday 31 of July 2019
Free of charge / Free accommodation (bed) in Marine Academy of Hydra
Language: English
FROM IDEA TO SCREENPLAY: A 3-day Practical Script-Writing Workshop
Two to two and a half hour workshops with focus on class exercises
20% theory, 80% practice
Class exercises within every class, meant to engage the student in the writing process on the spot, rather than ‘take home exercises’ which often have a low priority in the day-to-day student life.
Understanding the fundamentals of script-writing
Acquiring the practical tools to start writing: script-writing programs and resources
Writing 1 short film script, including pitch, theme, synopsis and step outline.
3 sessions, 2 to 2-2,5 hours
4. TYPICAL STRUCTURE OF A LECTURE – 50 minutes + break 10 - 15 minutes + 50 minutes
First half
Quick recap of last lectures – bringing new students up to date
Theory I – screen-writing (for example: Aristotle’s “Poetics” or “The hero’s journey”. Power point presentation with movie clips, played on screen)
Watching a short film or a portion of a feature film.
Practical exercise regarding the short film or a class discussion
Break 15 minutes – vital to the students socializing
Second half
On-the-spot class exercise: in groups, freestyle writing upon a given theme – approx. 30 minutes
Presentation of the exercise
Questions and answers.
1st DAY - Monday 29 of July 2019
Subject 1:
Introduction to script-writing and methods. Overview and purpose of the course.
Introduction myself. Teacher vs guide
Presentation of the course – what will we be doing? When? How?
Screenplay formatting & available programs
Introduction to Writer Duet and Celtx, FadeIn, Trelby, Final Draft
Subject 2:
Writer in the dark: why, when and how do we write?
Self-analyzing procedures. Habits related to writing.
From exploring our own observations, triggers and depth to universality of our stories.
Subject 3:
The role of the screen-writer in the collaborative film-making crew.
What is a screenplay? What is expected of it?
Processes helping the screenplay: pitch, theme, synopsis ( short and expanded synopsis), treatment, step outline.
Subject 4:
Books, guides, theories and models about screen-writing. How to choose?
2nd DAY - 30 of July 2019
Subject 5:
Location scouting and its importance for a writer.
Research into dialogue and speech. Original voice vs. writer’s voice.
Short film: ‘La Jeteé’ 1962, C. Marker (clip, 5 minutes)
Subject 6:
The audience – who are they?
We all write with an audience in mind. Identification of ‘the audience’.
The audience’s emotional progression – connection to the narrative arc.
Subject 7:
Types of narrative.
The premise, the universe and the action. What is a premise and why is it useful?
Class exercise: your favorite story, moment in a film or book, character, and why.
Short film: The Wallet’ 2003 dir. V. Bierrewaerts ( clip 5-6 minutes)
3rd DAY - 31st of July 2017
Subject 8:
Character creation & theme
Character vs. theme vs. narrative vs. emotional journey
Class exercise: creating a story about a character based on a photograph.
Screen-writing exercise: developing the character of our exercise
Subject 9:
Disjointed, unconventional and non-linear narratives
The psychology of reading or seeing a story ‘out of order’.
The ‘fourth dimension’.
Feature film: ‘Synechoche New York’ 2011, dir. C. Kaufman (clip, 5 minutes)
Subject 10:
Screenplay structures in short films
Linear structures. Following or not following a structure.
Watching various short films & discussion.
Short film: ‘Swimmer’ 2012 L. Ramsay (clip, 5 minutes)
Short film: ‘Last words’ 1976 dir. W. Herzog (clip, 5 minutes)
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