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Brazil 2022
Duration: 04:58
Directed by: Eduardo Funicello Dualibi
Screenplay: Eduardo Funicello Dualibi, Vivian Ventura Marostica, Ana Flávia Gaspar Machado, Gabriela Gabriel Carvalho, Marcelo Sandoval Gasch, Sofia Adelina Cavalheiro
Animation: Gabriela Gabriel de Carvalho, Marcelo Sandoval Gasch
Technique: 2D
Music: Marina dos Santos Roseiro, Emerson Roseiro Filho
Production/School: Vivian Ventura Marostica
Dialogue language: No Dialogue
Subtitles language: No Dialogue

Three curious creatures - Staccato, Legato and Non - meet in a park, where they find a marvelous fruit, the Manguava. In order to get their hands on that fruit, they must learn how to work together.
