Opening: 17-07-2017 18:00 - End: 18-07-2017 13:15

ANGELOS SIKELIANOS: Metamorphosis of a narrator
90 years of the Delphic Festivals (1927-2017)
On the occasion of the 90th anniversary of the first Delphic Festivals (May 1927), ANIMART in collaboration with Mrs. Anna-Marina Katsigianni, Assistant Professor in the Department of Philology, University of Patras, is organizing a two-day meeting in Delphi, on 17 and 18 July 2017.
Undergraduate and postgraduate students (University of Patras) will present their research on the uninvestigated aspects of the work of Angelos Sikelianos, the visionary of the Delphic Idea, who fertilized with his major lyricism the work of later authors and poets of the 1930s (Elytis, Emperikos, Karagatsis, etc).
In the framework of the two-day meeting, Katerina Hatzi will showcase her artworks based on well-known Greek poets and authors.
Monday, 17 July 2017
a. Opening of the exhibition of Katerina Hatzi, ODES
b. Lecture by Anna-Marina Katsigianni, “Ut pictura poesis: the Sister Arts and the creation of artists' portraits by Katerina Hatzi”
c. Angelos Sikelianos’ poems recitation by students.
Panel Session A: "Delphi the network of temples": The Delphic Idea as an alternative myth of the Great Idea.
19:15-19:45 Demetra Giotopoulou, PhD, “Revisiting Delphi from Palamas to Seferis”
19:45-20:00 Leftheris Fratis, “Sikelianos as a letter-writer. The Delphic Idea seen through the correspondence of Angelos Sikelianos with Eva Palmer”
20:00-20:30 Efi Troupi, “Aspects of the female figure in the poetry of Angelos Sikelianos”
20:30-21:00 Discussion
Tuesday, 18 July 2017
Panel Session B: Elective affinities: the creation of literary portraits in the poetry of Sikelianos. Nekyia A', Nekyia B'.
10:00-10:20 Maria Glarou, “Papadiamantis as a 'poet – ascetic – mystic': 'Commemoration of Papadiamantis'”
10:20-10:40 Demetris Cheilaris, “Sikelianos' Periklis Giannopoulos”
10:40-11:10 George Charitatos, “Sikelianos' Lorenzo Mavilis and Maria Polydouri”
11:10-11:30 Demetra Tzouramani, “Sikelianos' Malakassis”
11:30-12:00 Coffee Break
Panel Session C: The reception of Sikelianos' poetry in the 1930s.
12:30-13:00 Nikos Fragopoulos, “Genre dialogue and the formation of hybrid identities: Sikelianos in M. Karagatsis' Megali Himaira”
13:00-13:15 Q&A
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