Opening: 18-07-2017 - End: 19-07-2017

18 & 19 July 2017
The Vows
by Aliki Arnaouti
Site - specific installation
Fabric, ink
Every act looks for a purpose, direct or indirect.
As you climb to Delphi, you will seek to something. This depends on your era, your mood, your faith, and as it often happens, you will see what you have already decided. Even Pythian oracles were usually interpreted according to the applicant's predisposition.
There is a tradition in Russia, the traveller attaches a scarf to the places where he passes by, as a promise to return again. Turkey's Shiite Alevis have a similar tradition of tying pieces of cloth as a vow. The site specific installation of the Vows brings together the different traditions and cultures, as it happened during the time of prosperity at Delphi, while at the same time, it is built as a hidden treasure of looking for the Reason.
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