Under the Auspices of Hellenic Ministry of Tourism and Greek National Tourist Organisation.
Kindly supported by Greek National Tourist Organisation.
Within the frame of the 90th Anniversary of Delphic Festivals (9-10.4.1297), ANIMART organizes a forum on ANGELOS SIKELIANOS: 90 years of Delphic Festivals and invites the new generation of scientists, artists and creators inspired and in honour of Angelos and Eva Sikelianos, who envisioned and fulfilled their dream almost a century ago, to add on its events.
The Open Call concerns live interactions of multimedia art forms, widening and enriching human expression and emphasizing the creativity of this new generation.
Editors, performers, artists and creators are called upon to come up with innovative projects of art that, utilizing the potential of new media, link the digital world to the human body.
Projects will be presented in internal and external venues, aiming at their incorporation in the course of the 2017 ANIMART, with inspired and dynamic interventions that will arouse new conversations and reveal unseen sides of life.
We seek new smart, playful, provocative, subversive and transformative ideas in regards to public spaces, the environment and everyday life.
Artists and creative professionals of all fields are welcome: performers, musicians, sculptors, sound artists, designers, painters, dancers, actors, new media and mass media artists, digital artists, internet artists, programmers, video artists, architects, writers, social and community artistic collectives.
Groups and collectives of people with disabilities are encouraged to participate. Artists with limited access to the public are also called upon to strengthen their presence.
Emphasis on the interplay between interactions of digital arts and new media on stage will be the core criteria by which projects will be chosen, even if their artistic forms may be widely interventional towards social space and urban environment.
- Museum of Delphic Festivals - House of Eva & Angelos Sikelianos
- Amphitheatre Angelos Sikelianos
- Open air spaces in Delphi and surrounding villages
- Korycian Cave
- Ancient path: Delphi - Kirra
- Athens School of Fine Arts: Annex Delphi
- Traditional coffee houses
- Ethnological and Folklore Museum of Chrisso
- And many more places and venues of the wider urban web and the Delphic environmental sites.
No funding is available for the selected contributors or participants, although we will provide in letters of invitation and in advice for available alternative funding opportunities.
ART – European Animation Center (www.arteac.eu)
Registration requires a simple statement of interest at info@animartgreece.eu
Full proposals must be submitted by June 15th 2017 at info@animartgreece.eu
The name, address, phone, nationality, date of birth, website/blog of the applicant must be mentioned in the proposal, as well as a summary of their proposed idea (max 100 words), a summary of their project and its technical details (max 1000 words), Resume (max 300 words), CV (max 4 pages), examples of previous projects, all in PDF form.
All texts must also be written in English.
Maximum size of attached file: 5 MB.
For registered participants to 11th ANIMART – experiential art school, forum and festival, we can nevertheless facilitate in ***hotel accommodation and full board (breakfast, lunch, dinner) for 25 euros per person per day in double room, or 35 euros per person per day in single room.
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