Dr. Jon Drummond is a sound artist and composer whose work explores interactive electroacoustics, robotics, sonification of natural phenomena, acoustic ecology, and real-time interactive performance systems for acoustic instruments.
His works have been presented at many festivals and conferences, including The Adelaide Festival, the International Computer Music Conferences, New Interfaces for Musical Expression, and the World Forum for Acoustic Ecology.
Jon currently holds the position of Senior Lecturer, Media Arts & Production / Sound & Music Design Program in Faculty of Arts & Social Sciences at the University of Technology, Sydney.
He is co-director of the Creativity and Cognition Studios. His research interests include human-computer interaction design, new interfaces for musical expression, gesture analysis, improvisation, sound spatialisation and data sonification.
2016: Light Traces for light controlled analogue music and video synthesisers. New Interfaces for Musical Expression 2016 (NIME 2016), Queensland Conservatorium, Griffith University, Grey Street South Brisbane.
2015: Electroflorescent Hurdy Gurdy (Michael Atherton) and Live Sound Processing, ABC Classic FM Physical Meets Virtual, The 2015 Annual Conference of the Australasian Computer Music Association.
2015: Mossbot, SynC. Moss and Robot 107 Projects Redfern.
2013: EchoSonics: Twittering Machine (2013), Sonification of Twitter feeds via physical computing. International Symposium on Electronic Art ISEA 2013.
2013: EchoSonics: Flowforms, (2004-2013), Sonification of water flow. International Symposium on Electronic Art ISEA 2013.
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