Arsinoe Lilly Karadima, Choreographer, Performer, Artistic Director of ATRAPOS Dance & Culture group. She studied Classical RAD ballet at the recognized Magia Sofou Ballet Schools, where she earned a Royal Academy of Dancing studies title, classical Indian dance Bharata Natyam with Leda Shantala and ancient Greek dance based on the Ruby Ginner system. She has a BA Honors degree in Marketing and is currently a creative director in an advertising company. Moreover, she is a designer of contemporary artistic jewelry. She has focused her research on ancient Greek culture and has collaborated with folklorists and researchers like Asteria Kolovou and academic specialists on culture like Parmenides Bousiou, together with whom she has revived the unique cultural custom of Phallephoria, after 2,500 years in the historical center of Athens. This action is a custom parade ceremonial performance that takes place every year during the last 4 years, at the carnival period. Arsinoe Lilly Karadima is also a founder member, choreographer and artistic director of ATRAPOS dance & culture group, and member of International Dance Council.
Her recent work includes:
THE CRETANS of Euripides, presented at Avaton Theater in the center of Athens, 27, 28, 29 April 2017 with great success
CEREMONIAL ΙNTRODUCTION of the Deucalion mountain race at Delphes, which took place at the Archaeological Museum of Deplhes in December 2016, where the first Delphic hymn was revived and danced for the first time in history
MINOAN DANCE "Ceremonial dance theatre performance” at the 28th International Porto Heli Festival, in August 2016 Science & Choros , a video art for Abbott Diabetes Care Greece and the international Congress in Abu Dhabi , in February 2016, presenting the FreeStyle Libre innovation about diabetes and a new way to treat diabetes with Freedom. A concept that reveals that everything, indeed, has a deep Greek root.
THE DANCE OF THE BEES «From transformation to regeneration», at Demetria Festival at Lepreon, Peloponnese, August 2014
THE DANCE OF THE 3 GRACES, A dance theatre performance planned for the near future, for Orchomenos, the birth place of the 3 Graces.
Arsinoe Lilly Karadima has collaborated in the past with institutions like Dora Stratou theatre, as a choreographer for the following: WE EMBRACE ACROPOLIS, WE EMBRACE HUMANITY, presented on the 21st March 2012 at the Acropolis Museum, on presence of the President of the Republic NOW & FOREVER, poetic dance performance presented on the Archaeological Museum of Samos, at Heraia festival 2012.
Today, Arsinoe Lilly Karadima, apart from preparing and coordinating various projects for the group, she is a dance teacher of ancient Greek dance, making the study of ancient dance practice, at the Casa de Arte Kabeiria Dance School in Athens.
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