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Chrēstos Terzēs has studied musicology at the National Kappodistrian University of Athens (NKUA) and holds a PhD in Archaeomusicology (2008). His research interests are in the fields of Textual Philology, Hellenic Palaeography, Ancient Hellenic Science and Music focusing on the theory (harmonics/acoustics), the instruments (lyres, harps, auloi: study and reconstruction), the notation (parasemantics), and the reconstruction of ancient Hellenic speech and song.
In July 2016 he signed a contract as training coordinator at HERMES project, an innovative two-year research and training program aiming at education of experimental reconstruction of ancient Greek musical instruments, under the auspices of the Ministry of Education and Religion afairs, hosted at the NKUA and funded by the Stavros Niarchos Foundation.
He was appointed (2013-15) as a member of the research team of the Digital Research Infrastructure for the Arts and Humanities at the Academy of Athens (DARIAH-GR). Member of the international research group for the study of the “Tomp of the Poet” in Daphne Athens (2011-13).
In January 2010 he signed a contract for a one-year post-PhD funding by the State Scholarships Foundation. He was appointed as freelance Lecturer at the Department of Music Studies (NKUA) for two academic years (2008-10), and at the Department of Philology (University of the Peloponnese) for one year (2009-10).
He has been an active member of The International Society for the Study of Greek and Roman Music and its Cultural Heritage (MOISA).
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