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Burn Till The Edge of The Midnight / 借火

China 2022
Duration: 05:36
Directed by: Skylar Peng, Shuangying Xie
Screenplay: Shuangying Xie, Skylar Peng
Animation: Shuangying Xie, Skylar Peng
Technique: Skylar Peng, Shuangying Xie
Music: Peiyu Chen, Yiqiu Tong
Production/School: Shengying of Ai
Dialogue language: Chinese
Subtitles language: Chinese/English

There are too many things in our life that cannot be as good as imagination. We are constantly meeting and constantly separating, we have companionship in the crowd, but at the same time we are eternally lonely, like the burning or extinguishing of a flame, no one can predict or interfere, we can only burn, burn alone.
