Aliki Arnaouti was born in Athens. She has a BA in Theatre Studies (National University of Athens, Greece) and a Master of Arts in Scenography (Royal Central School of Speech and Drama, U.K.). She has attended stage design and costume design courses with L. Chrysikopoulou and painting courses with St. Skriris.
She works as a visual artist in the fields of video art, video installation, augmented reality installation and as a freelancer photographer and video maker in Greece and Switzerland. She has designed scenography and costumes for theatre and dance theatre performances in Athens and London. She teaches theatre in amateur groups, while in the past she taught the course of Scenography - Costume Design and Mask Manufacturing at the certified Drama School Athinaiki Skini and the drama courses in the domain of public elementary education.
During the last year, her last video art installation and augmented reality installation works were presented at the International Festivals of Multimation Athens Animfest 2017, "Aeschylia" of Elefsina Municipality 2016, the exhibition "Mediterranean Bodies" 2016, etc.
Aliki Arnaouti's mixed media art works belongs in private collections in Greece, Switzerland, Austria, France and Germany.
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