Eleni Demetriou has been born in Nicosia. She has studied Sociology at the University of Cyprus and the University of Aix-Marseille, with a specialization in Sociology of Culture and Information. For her master's degree she has studied the construction of the historicity of the city of Aix-en-Provence through the case of Saint-Pierre's cemetery, for the study of which she has applied a variety of methods, such as cartography, in situ observation and visual sociology.
She has participated in theatre groups, for which she has designed the costumes, and she has co-organised theatre workshops for children. Moreover, she has attended a series of History of Contemporary Art seminaries at the School of Fine Arts of Aix-en-Provence, and she has undertaken an internship of cultural mediation at the Museum of the Civilizations of Europe and the Mediterranean, in Marseille. She practices photography and a series of her photographs has been published in Straw Dogs Magazine.
She is interested in transdisciplinary sociological and artistic research.
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