He was born in Alexandria Egypt, in 1988.
Photographer and Teaching Assistant at The faculty of Fine Arts, Alexandria University. Works and live between Alexandria, Egypt and Zierikzee, Netherlands
www: www.karimaboukelila.com
2014 Alexandria University, Faculty of Fine Arts, Master in Fine Arts
2008 - 2011 Arabic Calligraphy School, Diploma in Arabic Calligraphy
2005 - 2010 Alexandria University, Faculty of Fine Arts, BA. in Fine Arts
2014 (Mixed Art) Honorable Mention Award, Youth 2nd Competition, Egypt
2013 (Mosaic) The Award of MOSAICO OGGI, Rome, Italy
2009 (Mosaic) Second Award of Mosaic Workshop, El Mansoura University, Egypt
2009 (Painting) Third Award of Oil Painting Exhibition, El Mansoura University, Egypt
2014 (Photography) Next to Here, Goethe-Institut Kairo, Egypt
2014 (Mixed) KUNSTSCHOUW, Zeeland, Netherlands
2014 (Mixed Art) Youth 2nd Competition, Al Horeya Creativity Center, Alexandria, Egypt
2014 (Mixed) 3 Workshops, Faculty of Fine Arts, Alexandria University, Egypt
2014 (Photography) Al Thani Award, Doha, Qatar
2013 (Photography) So Well-Suited, Bath-House of the Winds, Athens, Greece
2013 (Photography) Walking with Cavafy, Bibliotheca Alexandria, Egypt
2013 (Mosaic) Contemporary Vision of Alexandrian Mosaic, Ravenna, Italy
2013 (Mixed Art) MIXER, 6th International Student Triennial, Istanbul, Turkey
2013 (Mosaic) MOSAICO OGGI, Museo Civico di Bracciano, Rome, Italy
2013 (Mixed Art) Generations, Faculty of Fine Arts Alexandria University, Egypt
2013 (Mixed Art) Contemporary Vision of Alexandrian Mosaic, Alexandria, Egypt
2013 (Photography) Agenda, Bibliotheca Alexandrina, Egypt
2012 (Mosaic) MOSAICO OGGI, Nardò, Lecce, Italy
2012 (Photography) 1st Alexandrian Salon for Plastic Art, Cairo, Egypt
2011 (Mosaic) MOSAICO OGGI, Museo Civico di Bracciano, Rome, Italy
2011 (Photography) 5th Photography Meeting, L'Atelier D'Alexandrie, Egypt
2010 (Photography) Alexandria in the Eyes of Youth Photography, Slovakia
2010 (Mosaic) Bedayetna, Alexandria Center of Arts, Egypt
2010 (Mosaic) Selective Graduation, Bibliotheca Alexandria, Egypt
2010 (Mosaic) Graduation, Faculty of Fine Arts, Alexandria University, Egypt
2009 (Mosaic) MOSAICO OGGI, Museo Civico di Bracciano, Rome, Italy
2009 (Painting) Week of Universities' Youth, El Mansoura University, Egypt
2009 (Photography & Painting) Alexandria International Festival, Alexandria, Egypt
2007 - (Painting) Palace of Culture, Alanfoshy, Egypt
2013 - TV Interview on the Alexandrian TV Channel, Egypt
BIBLIOGRAPHY (books, articles at professional magazines).
2009 - Attualita' 11 April, Italy
2009, Tuscia Romana online, Italy
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