Vassilis LOULES is a fiction and documentary film director.
Studied Electrical Engineering (National Technical Univesity of Athens) and Cinema.
Collaborated with Hellenic Broadcasting Corporation (ERT) as Coordinator of the Short Films Program and with the Greek Ministry of Foreign Affairs Film Archive.
His films have won awards at festivals, were shown on TV in Greece and abroad and are used as educational material at universities.
They deal with personal stories amidst the turbulence of History.
His short fiction film A Bright Shining Sun (2000) was broadcasted by ARTE and was screened all over the world within the framework of ‘‘The New Greek Cinema’’ Tribute.
His documentary Kisses to the Children (2012) has won awards at festivals, was in theatrical release in Athens and Thessaloniki, was screened at events all over Greece, and received many rave reviews.
It is currently in special screening in Europe, USA and Australia.
FILMOGRAPHY (selection)
2014 The Noose / documentary 12’
2013 And I also passed by there and had paper shoes to wear / doc. 115’
2012 Kisses to the Children / documentary 115’
2005 Lela Karayannis, the Fragrance of a Heroine / documentary 29’
2000 A Bright Shining Sun / fiction 36’
1999 Eleusis; Stories in the echo of machines / documentary 30’
1996 The Mountains of Meteora and Pindos, a journey / documentary 93’
1993 The American / fiction 39’
1990 Absent / fiction 15’
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