Opening: 22-07-2016 10:00

Date: July 22, 2016
Venue: Delphi
Hour: 10:00
Free admission
Walking performance for camera, soundscape, poetry
HD color video, sound 2016
Screening of the video and public talk with the Milena principle about walking, return, of memory, homeland and loss.
The work explores the concept of returning as a solitary walking process of carrying and transmitting the message, the experience and the thought.
The elements of urban periphery, of streets and empty landscapes as well as the walking figure – the one who brings the message and the light – aquire poetic and political implications.
They indicate a returning to the personal and collective memory, to reconsider the loss of seeing and future perspective.
The repetition of walking, the landscape, the eye contact and the human figure reveal a psychogeography of the periphery as a site with poetic and political potential.
The work brings together the expressive elements of performance on camera, poetry and soundscape.
An event by Bill Psarras, curated by the Milena principle / Made of walking
Dr. Bill Psarras
Artist, Musician
Adjunct Lecturer - Department of Audiovisual Arts - Ionian University
Hybrid Flaneur:
Ph.D in Arts & Computational Technology [AHRC awarded]
Alumni of Goldsmiths University of London
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