Opening: 20-07-2016 14:00

Date: July 20, 2016
Venue: Delphi
Hour: 14:00
Free admission
Sandra Fruebing’s workshops will prepare you to fail; to fail walking. Within the session you will train your body to walk in-between spaces and get used to two different undergrounds and surroundings as well as falling, which ultimately means failing to walk. The workshop includes many balance exercises but also analyses the idea of failure. We humans are not used to walk on uneven grounds or with one foot on one type of soil and with the other on another one; therefore Sandra developed a set of walking exercises to train the body being unbalanced while walking along thresholds.
Due to the newness of the experience we also need to consider the failure of the whole spectacle, which means falling to the ground. As babies we are not concerned about falling and stand up again immediately but as we grow up falling in public scenery becomes a threatening idea. There are many ways to fall gracefully like a princess or rather clumsy like Charlie Chaplin.
The workshop therefore will provide you first with balance exercises to be able to navigate different thresholds and in the second part will prepare you for a perfect failure in walking.
Sandra Fruebing
Sandra Fruebing is an artist living in Cairo, Egypt and was born in 1984. MA Royal College of Arts London. Sandra Fruebing’s work involves the development of narration to explore and reflect upon the relation between individual politics and contemporary society. Mostly her work involves deeper research within the fields of film, literature and the everyday social interaction. The outcomes are presented in various media from objects that are involved in the storytelling till the creation of a filmed spectacle.
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