Opening: 22-07-2016 23:00

Date: 22 & 23 of July 2016
Venue: Delphi
Hour: 23:00
Free admission
The Salaminian Annex of the Astronomy and Space Company was founded five years ago. It aims to spread the science of Astronomy as well as public awareness through observations and educational and social activities. In brief, many annual activities were held during this period (for the first time in Salamina) such as star gazing, observation of the August full Moon inside archaeological sites and free lessons in popular Astronomy were offered in collaboration with the Municipality of Salamina.
It promotes competitions on Astronomy of the Astronomy and Space Company in public and private schools. In 2012 it promoted the NASA competition concerning the Cassini spacecraft. A local primary school student, Elena Lampiri, won the first prize in the national competition, making the island of Salamina known world-wide and hereafter mentioned on the NASA web site.
The Annex organizes various activities such as concerts, plays and New Year’s festivities followed by a speech from a distinguished scientist. It cooperates with various organizations such as the Hellenic World Foundation, schools in the Attiki area. It is a permanent associate of the Athens Science Festival held in Technopolis, Athens. In 2013 it participated in the XXI SEAC National Convention (Societe Europeene pour l’ Astronomie dans la Culture).
It organizes star observations in dark areas of Salamina accompanied by stories taken from the Greek Mythology on the constellations and training on Uranography and Astrophotography methods.
It is also worth mentioning that the Astronomy and Space Company was awarded a prize by the Academy of Athens in December 22, 2015 for its manifold twenty- five- year contribution to Science.
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