Katerina Drakopoulou is an actor/performer, Butoh dancer, and physical/dance theatre trainer. Following her postgraduate studies (MA in Ensemble Physical Theatre, University of Huddersfield; MA in Performance, Goldsmiths College; BA in Drama and Theatre Studies, University of Kent), she worked as a Lecturer at the University of Leeds and at Manchester Metropolitan University. Since 2010 she has been running classes and workshops that focus on psychophysical approaches to acting. She has performed in various productions in Greece, England, Japan, and the U.S., and has collaborated with world-renowned Butoh artists such as Tetsuro Fukuhara, Valentin Tszin, and the Torifune Butoh-Sha Company. In March/April 2016, she worked as a facilitator for the Marina Abramovic method at the Benaki Museum in Athens. In April 2016, she presented her new solo, long-durational, site-specific Butoh performance, entitled “22 stops” at the “In Progress Feedback Festival”. Since then the work has been presented in various festivals:
at the Benaki Museum in the context of “[Mis/Dis] Placed: Performances” at Athens Photo Festival 2016
at Beton7 in the context of the “Visions – V Ideas, Performances, 3rd Edition”
at Treno sto Rouf in the context of Compartments Dance Project, and
at Romantso in the context of Multimation – Metamorphosis #1.
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